The grinding of the separated material is executed by the water beam pressure. The working pressure of the water is from 1000 to 4000 Bar. The beam is made in the cutting head ended by the nozzle. When processing soft materials, we are using clean water beam, in other cases we are using abrasive beam. A suitable addition may be the natural olivine or garnet – abrasive material selected according to the hardness of the cut material.

The cutting head movement and the entire cutting way are managed by the computer according to the preliminarily made program. It is possible to execute even complicated shaped cuts during one operation. The standard cutting precision is ± 0,2 mm/m.

The separated material is not power stressed. The cutting edge is not thermally influenced, it is always a cold cut. This fact is very important and it decisively differentiates the water beam from other technologies for the material separation, especially laser and plasma.


  • cold cut, there is no thermal influence on the cut material and no changes of the structure
  • minimum power impact of the beam on the cut material – no micro-cracks are made
  • universal character – it separates almost all the materials. Even hardly separable materials and otherwise unmachined materials may be cut in this way
  • cut without chips, no additional machining is necessary usually or removal of sharp edges
  • even the most complicated shapes may be achieved in one operation, including the passage openings and grooves
  • high use of semi-finished products due to the small diameter of the beam and possibility of making several shapes on one semi-finished product
  • no harmful emissions in the air and no chemical impact on the cut material
  • water beam cutting

We can cut and machine practically any material which can accept the direct contact with the water.

  • all types of steels, including the hardened steel, stainless steel, non-ferrous metals and alloys
  • plastics of all types, including the layered clear plastics (plexi, GFK)
  • clean and colourful glass, bonded, layered or otherwise modified
  • natural or artificial stones, marble, zulu, grinding stones
  • porcelain, ceramics
  • wood, chipboard, lamino, plywood
  • carpets, FILC, Mašková, leather, imitation leather
  • rubber, sealing materials, composites
  • advertisement materials – cutting of logo type fonts

We will make the price offer ASAP

Michal Vidovič
0907 108 444

INAT s.r.o.
Cesta na Hohenau 2/5
908 71 Moravský Svätý Ján